[ J E M E E L A A 의 블러그 ]

[ J E M E E L A A 의 블러그 ]

Sunday, March 21, 2010

How do you act asian?

I'm not sure if this is a popular 'fad' going around, but I have a formspring.me account. If you are not sure what a formspring.me account is, let me tell you right now: it has no purpose. It is some website where you ask stupid questions to people, and they have to answer it. That's all.
Like I said, no point to it. Though there is no point, it can be fun at times. SOME times.

ANYWAY. I was checking my account the other day, and I find that I had a new question. (WHOA.) So I read this question, and seriously...the soundtrack in my mind shut off for a second. This question was:

"Why the fuck do you try to act asian?"


You've got to be kidding me.

Seriously, I was not sure what to feel. I was angry (at first), followed by a rush of sadness, back to anger, and then a sense of disgust. Why would someone ask me that? (not like this was the first time I've been asked that question...but it was the first time I saw it in writing. ANONYMOUSLY, might I add.)
So I responded to this question as truthfully as I could: "Uhm. I don't."
Which is the truth. I don't. -_-;

Yes, I will admit I am into asian culture (mainly Korean and some Japanese). Yes, I can read/understand some Korean but that does NOT mean I am TRYING TO BE ASIAN. People around me (I feel) fail to notice that I have other interests, too. All they focus on is "Oh my God, Jemila likes asian stuff....and SHE'S NOT ASIAN. AHHH!!!"
What the fuck. -_-
I don't go around to people saying things like "Oh my God, you are listening to Tupac...and you're NOT BLACK. THAT'S NOT COOL!" Or "WHOA, you're eating pasta, BUT YOU'RE NOT ITALIAN!"

Seriously...How stupid does that sound?
In my view, you cannot 'act' asian unless you ARE asian. You cannot 'act' black unless you are black. You cannot act white unless you are white...etc. End of story.

I just wish that everyone could understand that. Sorry that I like to expand my horizons and learn about other cultures. Should I act according to the way people expect me to act? No...that would be very bad.

I can go on and on about this...but I'll leave that for another entry. Just wanted to rant a little bit.

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