[ J E M E E L A A 의 블러그 ]

[ J E M E E L A A 의 블러그 ]

Saturday, January 9, 2010

We need a resolution.

Just like everyone else, I have resolutions for the new year.

Here it goes.

◦Stop being so reckless. I need to THINK before I act.
◦Tone it down on the cursing. (seriously, it’s getting ridiculous)
◦Take my studies more seriously.
◦Live for myself, not others. I find that when I try to do for others, I get screwed over.
◦Forgive AND forget. Not just forgive.
◦Take things as they come. Stop trying to see into the future. I’m not psychic.
◦Get back into bboying. I’m getting lazy.
◦Restore my faith completely. Not partially.
◦Speak my mind, don’t hold in so many of my thoughts.
◦However, do not be so blunt. (I find that I hurt a lot of people’s feelings when I DO speak my mind.)
◦Stop letting myself get walked on. It sucks, and it’s unnecessary.
◦Make DEAN’S LIST. Seriously.
◦Try not to die next semester. (I’m taking TWENTY credits)
And the biggest one….

◦Work first, then play.
Happy new year, everyone!

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