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[ J E M E E L A A 의 블러그 ]

Saturday, January 19, 2008

...and why do I even care?

Lately it's like everyone is trying impress each other. Even if it means that they're completely changing themselves to 'fit in'. They could be completely making fools of themselves, but they think they're looking cool because they're doing it to impress the people they want to be. Personally, I think a person must have pretty low self-esteem to be changing their personality or image to fit a certain stereotype. It's fucking stupid, really. It's not like someone's staring at you constantly...it's not like people have THAT much time to give a flying rat's ass about every fucking thing you wear or do. If people really pay that much attention to detail, they really have no life of their own. They're brainwashed and have the need to focus on other people. For instance, today I walked past a group of girls, and they looked at what I was wearing and said "Ew, she's gross she doesn't match." WHAT THE FUCK? I don't even know them. They have no right to judge me based on what I was wearing. Do they really have that much time on their hands? Do they think I care? Guess what? I don't. It just annoys me that they'd say that in order to hurt my feelings or something. But unfortunately for them, I actually don't care. They're just clothes. They cover your body. I wear what I want, when I want, and how I want. They and people like them deserve a big 'FUCK YOU!'. Personally, I think girls are the most insecure creatures on this planet. Not all of them but the majority. They care too much about appearance. Well you know what? It doesn't really matter. I honestly don't care too much about mine. That's my choice. Not other people's. Shut up.
Another thing that's been annoying me is the fact that there's way too much drama around me. And most of it is made up. Fake. Why? To give the person who spreads the drama a sense of pleasure and fullfillment. Honestly if you really have to MAKE UP drama to get attention that makes you really low. To all of you people who make up fake shit to get attention, you're simply pathetic. You really are.
I hate when people confide in others and then they end up getting screwed. Their business becomes the world's. If you go to someone and tell them your problems, you know what that means? You're letting yourself become vulnerable. You're trusting them completely. To the people receiving the message: THAT MEANS THEY ONLY WANT YOU TO KNOW!!! Not your mom, not your other friends, NOBODY ELSE. Why the fuck would you go and announce someone's private business to someone they barely know? What right do you think you have? What because it's something to give you attention and a high status? You know what that makes you appear like to the peeson who trusted you? It makes you look like a shitty person. An attention whore. So that's not good at all, is it?
Eh, whatever I'm finished. It's not like this is going to change anything. I'm wasting my time.

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